2 December 2013

Kitchen faucet SmArt / Köögisegisti Nu-Tikas

Kitchen faucet SmArt

This faucet with the ingenious solution is from real life and was done in the kitchen of a guy I know.

The problem was that you couldn’t wash bigger pots because the tap was just too low. So, in order to avoid big remodeling works in the kitchen which included breaking the wall, the situation was skillfully handled by inventing an unconventional but very smart solution.

It was done so easily and cleverly, that we should give them credit and why not follow their example.

If someone has a similar problem and wants to use the same solution, then you can buy the same pipe connectors as chrome (shiny) ones.
Köögisegisti Nu-Tikas

Geniaalse lahendusega segisti on täiesti ehtne ja paikneb minu tuttava juures köögis.

Probleem seisnes selles, et suuremaid potte ei mahtunud madala kraani all pesta. Ja selleks et hoiduda seina lõhkumisest ja suuremast tööst, võeti appi kavalus ja mõeldi ebatraditsiooniline kuid väga nutikas lahendus.

Täpselt nii lihtsalt ja nii andekalt, et peaks andma au ja võtma eeskuju.

Juhul kui keegi tundis ära oma probleemi ja soovib seda sarnaselt lahendada, siis samu liitmikke saab osta ka kroomituna (läikivaid).

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