I know from experience that a special cleaner for a fireplace glass is one of the strongest chemicals to be used at home. When I used it for the first time in the rental apartment, I didn’t have rubber gloves, or rather, having been used to harmless chemicals when working on construction sites I didn’t bother to look for gloves.
Coming into contact with the cleaner that gently seeped through paper towel, my skin immediately began to tingle, and despite the rinsing, a thin layer of skin came off my fingers the next day.
I also noticed that the
cleaner erodes finishing layers causing glossy surfaces to turn dull, and this
happens very fast. It takes only couple of accidental drops or spraying in the
wrong direction to ruin the flooring or wallpaper.
“Caution: keep away from the
varnished, aluminum or plastic surfaces.
Causes eye and skin
irritation. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid inhalation of aerosol. Avoid
contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with
plenty of water and get medical attention. Wear appropriate protection for your
eyes and face. If swallowed get a medical attention immediately and show a
doctor the package or label of the product.”
Why to put your health in danger by purchasing such a harmful chemical when you can clean the fireplace glass completely free of charge and without compromising your health and home?
Stay tuned for more.
Second part
of this article will introduce you to a harmless substance, which I recommend
you to try out as a fireplace glass cleaner.
Omast kogemusest tean öelda,
et spetsiaalne kaminaklaaside puhastusvahend on üks tugevamaid kemikaale,
millega olen koduses majapidamises pidanud kokku puutuma. Seda esmakordselt
üürikorteris kasutades ei olnud mul kummikindaid või õigemini - olles harjunud
süütu ehituskeemiaga ei hakanud ma kindaid otsima.
Ärritab silmi ja nahka. Hoida lastele
kättesaamatus kohas. Vältida aerosooli sissehingamist. Vältida kemikaali
sattumist nahale ja silma. Silma sattumisel loputada koheselt rohke veega ja
pöörduda arsti poole. Kanda sobivaid kaitsevahendeid ja silmade või näokaitset.
Kemikaali allaneelamise korral pöörduda viivitamatult arsti poole ja näidata
talle kemikaali pakendit või etiketti.“
Miks riskida oma tervisega ja
osta nii kahjulikku keemiat, kui kaminaklaasid saab puhtaks täiesti tasuta ja
ilma oma tervist ja kodu ohustamata?
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