If you like to burn candles a lot and you will end up with a large number of candle stubs, then you might just keep them. Candle stubs can easily be melted down and turned into new candles, and you can engage whole family in this activity.
Home-made candles can make a warmhearted present and have a much more emotional value than ones bought from a store.
Candles on the photo are home-made. In the next posting I will explain more the manufacturing techniques.
PS. If you do not plan to make the candles yourself, then please don't throw the candle stubs away. We are very grateful if you keep the stubs for IG.
Kui sa oled suur küünalde põletaja ja sul tekib palju parafiinijääke, siis hoia need alles. Jääke sulatades saab teha uusi küünlaid ja kaasata sellesse tegevusse kogu oma pere.
Enda tehtud küünal on väga südamlik kingitus ja palju suurema emotsionaalse väärtusega kui poekaup.
Pildil näed juba valminud küünlaid. Edasistes postitustes seletan täpsemalt valmistamise tehnikat.
PS. Kui sa ise küünlaid meisterdada ei plaani, siis oleme tänulikud, kui kogud jääke IG jaoks.