The trays were ordered by Beer Garden located in Tallinn, Old Town (Aia 10/Inseneri 1), whose clever space solution allows comfortably to accommodate very large groups of people. Hence the need for larger trays, some of which stretched into as long as 2 meters.
Sample of a "shot-ski" was provided by Client - 4-5 shot glasses are attached to the ski and 4-5 people are holding the ski and they all try to drink at the same time. However, in our case, bearing in mind the hygiene and safety, Client wanted the glasses to be removable and present it just as an interesting way of serving.
We figured that the vintage wooden skis from Soviet-time, which have the price in rubles and "Made in USSR" sign on them, are interesting enough and create a sense of nostalgia in quite a few athletes from back in the day and who happen to be the clients of Beer Garden.
After putting a plan together I started to carry out the work and the results can be seen on the photos.
I would like to point out the fact that full-length skis had to be cut in half so that they wouldn’t be so strongly curved and it would be better to glue them. While gluing I left a spacing (couple of centimeters) between the two halves to show what kind of layers the ski was made of.
Basically, the most time-consuming was to find the skis and hence my request - if you have some old skis at home or somewhere else and you know that sooner or later you’ll throw them away, then please bring them to me. I could use them to craft something.
We would like to thank Beer Garden for such an interesting order!
We will make sure to come and try out our shot-skis very soon.
Valminud on veel üks kandikute tellimus, kuid seekord serveeritakse õlle asemel kanget alkoholi.
Seekordseks tellijaks oli vanalinnas (Aia 10/ Inseneri 1) asuv Beer Garden, kelle ruumilahenduses jäid silma mugavad võimalused mahutamaks ka väga suuri seltskondi. Ilmselt sellest ka vajadus suurte kandikute järgi, millest osa venisid koguni 2-meetristeks.
Näide "shot-ski" atraktsioonist tuli tellijalt endalt - suusale on kinnitatud 4-5 pitsi ja seda joob korraga 4-5 inimest, kes kõik hoiavad seda suuska ja üheaegselt üritavad pitsid omale suhu tühjaks kallata. Kuid meie olukorras, pidades silmas puhtust ja ohutust, sooviti jätta pitsid kandikust lahti ja piirduda lihtsalt huvitava serveerimisega.
Arvasime, et nõukaaegsed puusuusad, kus näeb lugeda rublahinda ja "made in USSR" kirja on piisavalt huvitavad ja tekitab nostalgiat nii mõnelgi tolleaegsel sportlasel, kes täna on Beer Gardeni klient.
Plaan teada asusin tegutsema ja tulemusi näeb piltidel.
Olulise infona tooks välja selle, et täispikad suusad tuli pooleks lõigata, et nad ei oleks nii tugevalt kaardus ja et neid saaks paremini liimida. Liimimisel jätsin kahe jupi vahele paarisentimeetrise vahe, et näidata, mis kihtidest suuska valmistati.
Põhimõtteliselt läks kõige rohkem aega suuskade otsimise peale ja siit ka minu üleskutse - kui Sul vedeleb kodus või kuskil mujal vanu suuski ja Sa tead, et varem või hiljem viskad nad ära, siis palun too nad parem mulle. Ma saan neist midagi ehitada.
Tänud Beer Gardenile nii põneva tellimuse eest! Kindlasti tuleme mõni nädalavahetus oma napsusuuski katsetama.
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